Tuesday, July 2, 2013


T.V. These Days

As I sit here flipping through the channels, I can't help but to think about a bible study we recently did and it mentioned t.v. shows. There isn't really much on these days. The shows (and commercials) are raunchy and most of them are not something we should subject ourselves to.

I tend to watch a lot of reruns because there's nothing else on anymore. What happened to the shows that you didn't have to worry about your children walking in on and seeing or hearing something they shouldn't (and I'm not talking about your add on channels like HBO, Showtime, etc either)?
Cartoons aren't even cartoons and ABC Family isn't always for the family anymore.

 What do we really gain from some of these shows? In my opinion the only thing we gain is a confidence issue or a desire to want things we don't have. A lot of the shows send a message that we should have a certain body, dress a certain way, have a certain house or car to be happy. They're all a BIG FAT LIE!!!! We don't have to have those things to be happy!!!!

Thank the Lord for some of the good ole' family shows that still come on (:

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (Landon wanted this on here)
 Some more good one's are The Cosby Show, Who's The Boss, and of course The Andy Griffith Show.

Off the top of my head, here are a few newer shows/channels that are great....
Game Shows
Home and Family Show
Hallmark Channel (some of the movies),
DIY & HGTV channel
and one of my favorites.......
 I love their family values (sharing their faith and praying at the end of every episode)!!!

I'm not saying watching t.v. is a bad thing. I just think we should be very selective on what we watch and allow our children to watch (pay more attention to the message we are getting from it). We should watch something that encourages and educates us, not something that corrupts our brain.

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